Dose of Hope: John 13:34b “Love Each Other”


Dose of Hope: John 13:34b "Love each other..." {} #faith #scripture #bible #quotes

I was kind of at a loss for what this week’s dose of hope should be, until I accidentally wrote a piece on this one and it hit me in the face. If we’re talking about Jesus’ words before His resurrection and ascent into heaven (oh my goodness, Easter is creeping up on us so fast!) then we gotta deal with this one. These are the words Jesus spoke to His disciples right after He got down on His hands and knees and washed their feet in love: Love each other. Because that’s how the world knows we’re His disciples.

So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. – John 13:34-35 (NLT)

So we’re going big and we’re going loud. Maybe I’ll even plaster this one around the house. We’re loving each other in Jesus’ name, just like He’s loved us.

Happy Saturday… If you’re reading this I should be far far away in a deep neighborhood of New York City rebuilding houses that came down in last year’s hurricane and fulfilling a nearly life long dream. Say a prayer. Things can get crazy when powertools are involved.

Love y’all….



  1. Your powertool comment made me laugh. Totally understand and I’m glad you survived with all your fingers intact!

    Sometimes simple really is best. We make life so complicated all the time and sometimes we just need to focus on the heart of the matter. Yes. Love each other. So hard sometimes but so important for us as believers and as human beings. And not just for the people we are loving but for us, too. Loving and being loved, this is what we were made for.


    1. Yes, agreed. And it hits me more and more how we can’t love others until we love ourselves. But sometimes we have no idea how to do that unless we’ve really been loved. The circle of life? So glad Jesus can break into all the unloved and unlovable places and turn it all for good. Love you, friend!


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