Dose of hope: Romans 15:13a

Romans 15:13a - I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in Him. #doses of hope (printable memory verse card at the link!)

Printable memory verse card below (right click to save)

Romans 15:13a printable memory verse card

This week’s dose of hope kinda reminds me of 90s tie dye. In an awesome way. It was an accident and then I decided to run with it. Can I just say, homegirl works those pants.

Happy weekend!



  1. Haha..I kind of like this tie-dye look! It’s really hard to put text onto photos and have it show up across all the color/lighting changes, so I think you’ve come up with a perfect solution 🙂

    Which translation are you using this week? I like how it names God “the source of all hope.” I think that might be one of my favorite names for God. There are so many good ones, obviously, but I don’t think there’s a single day in my life when I couldn’t use just a little more hope, no matter what the circumstances. To know that I have a personal relationship with The Source of All Hope is, in itself, a beautiful life-giving hope.

    I also love that the second part of this verse says that the reason for us to be filled with joy and peace is so that we will “overflow with hope.” And the Amplified translation puts it this way: that “you may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope.” Oh what a glorious thought, all of us bubbling over with hope!”

    (I’m also pondering this clear indication that it’s the being filled with joy and peace that leads us to be overflowing with hope…I’m sensing a future topic for discussion here!)

    Grace to you this week, Steph!


    1. Thanks, I’m kinda loving it too 😉
      Good question – I used the NLT translation for this one. I usually go between the NLT and NIV, but I love your comments with the Amplified version.

      It’s funny, I read this verse as saying that it’s the trusting in Him that leads to overflowing with hope. But I like your perspective here, too. It’s interesting how much everything is intertwined – joy and peace comes from trusting in Him and leads to overflowing with confident hope, thereby joy and peace leads to overflowing with hope. This would be a good one for future discussion!

      I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. – Romans 15:13 (NLT)

      Thanks for your thoughts as always!


      1. I thought it was the NLT but I must have an older version because mine says something quite different: “So I pray that God, who gives you hope, will keep you happy and full of peace as you believe in him. May you overflow with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.” I wonder when they updated and how much was changed in the translation overall? Now I’m curious and wondering if I should get an updated version!

        And you are so right…I completely missed the first part. It’s trust in God that leads to being full of peace and joy, and being full of peace and joy leads to “bubbling over” with hope. Thank you for pointing that out! I’m going to be mulling this over for awhile.


      2. My wondering led me to the NLT website ( and I discovered all kinds of interesting things under the FAQs section. Mine must be a first edition rather than the second edition from 2004 or the update in 2007. Guess I need to upgrade!


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