Christmas Card Outtakes

The hubster and I spent four days in Virginia with Steph and her hubby for Thanksgiving, so while we were all together we did a quick photo shoot. I snatched these shots from him before he post-processed, because I couldn’t resist.

Here’s what the hubster was going for…

StephKimBut here’s what happened instead…




Then a little dancing…


And when we put Steph and her hubby in charge of the camera and lights this happened, too…

What can I say? I think we have some winners!

P.S. Quick update on the lamp battles of 2013. The Asian inspired floral lamp won the prize, and the two nautical lamps were sadly sent packing back to Target. Steph used the extra cash to buy a lamp nearly identical to the one in this photo, which she’d been eyeing for months. Apparently it was love at first sight. Thanks for your votes on Facebook and in the comments!


  1. I love this. So much. You are both so beautiful–and your smiles radiate joy. Glad to see you had some fun during your visit! PS–I didn’t have a chance to weigh in on the great lamp debate but if I had, I definitely would have voted for the Asian floral! You gals both have great taste 🙂 Sorry I’ve been a little absent in the blogging world of late but I’m making an effort to poke my head in again and at least see what’s happening.


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